Publisher's Note: Welcome to our 32nd edition of Tech Tips Tuesday on "Boost Your Engine's Health with AMSOIL Fuel Treatment". We'll be re-publishing an edition of AMSOIL Tech Tips for you every Tuesday. Click on the Blog Category "Tuesday Tech Tips" to see everything published to-date.
Boost Your Engine's Health with AMSOIL Fuel Treatment
John Gardner: All fuels are not created equal. Now, the manufacturer's secret sauce or additive they're putting in the fuels can vary, so it's important to know what you're putting in your fuel tank. This AMSOIL Tech Tip is all about fuel systems, so let's talk fuel systems.
You can see it right here; it all starts in the fuel tank there. The fuel pump is usually located in the tank, yes, submerged in fuel. Then it comes out, goes through a fuel filter, and then it's going to run up through your injectors. Now, most systems today are called return systems. They return all the way back to the tank to keep the fuel cool and keep it moving, and the injectors always have a good supply. But the key here is that the fuel pump is located in the tank on most cars.
And man, take a look at this, Len. What do you think of this? This thing here, holy mackerel, this thing's been eaten up alive. And believe it or not, it wasn't in there much. It's supposed to look like this. What could cause that, and how can we fix it?
Len Groom: Unfortunately, the fuels that are on the market today don't sit real well; they need to be treated. Ethanol fuel isn't the enemy; you just need to make sure that you're handling it properly.
John Gardner: And that's a great point. Think about UTVs, ATVs, the marine industry. I mean, the fuels they have to sit a long time, and there are issues with that. You got a product that's going to help us?
Len Groom: We do, and that's AMSOIL Quick Shot. It does three things really well. It's an excellent cleaner, so it kind of helps from keeping this type of thing from happening, the varnish and the depositing. It also helps with ethanol-related issues, such as phase separation. That's when the fuel separates, and it creates all kinds of problems in the bottom of the gas tank. Quick Shot is also an excellent short-term stabilizer, so your seasonally stored equipment, you can put this in your fuel and not have to worry about it.
John Gardner: Well, Quick Shot's the way to go.
Boost Your Engine's Health with AMSOIL Fuel Treatment
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Keith Klein
Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners
Founder & CEO, OnYourMark, LLC
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